I'm amazed at how my Savior can take any and every circumstance around me to show me more about him. My prayer has always been that this journey of life I'm on would continually bring honor and glory to him, so by using every opportunity; my mistakes, my successes, and my day-to-day adventures, he teaches me how to use it for his glory. This life he blessed me with is ALL about him! So, these are my thoughts, my heart cries, and my lessons from his glorious Word. These are the teachable moments from my Savior!

Psalm 25:4-5 "Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long."

Sunday, June 9, 2013

~ Surrender ~

Over the last three weeks since preschool dismissed for the summer, I have been on a whirlwind of a journey. I have seen God's hand move in such mighty ways that I just stand in awe of Him! 

Each morning as I start my day with Christ, his sweet whispers comfort my soul. There in the stillness of the mornings He speaks to me and guides me in His ways. Some of those ways, however, are met with resistance on my part (just keeping it real here). When I remember that being a child of God comes with great power, I also understand the reality that that power also comes with great responsibility. That is where resistance is met! Sometimes God calls us into journeys that seem frightening because it may take us out of our comfort zone, sometimes those journeys call us to do things that may take more time than we want to give, and sometimes we just flat out want to be rebellious and say "no". Well, in keeping it real, I have been all three of those scenarios. 

Those sweet whispers from God in the mornings have been met with my not-so-willing attitude at some points but as I read through the pages of scripture and continually lay down my selfishness, God meets me in ways I could not fathom. To surrender my ways to the Savior of the world sounds like an easy path but my flesh and sinful nature sometimes thinks my ways are better. Oh, how wrong I am! When I raise my hands in utter abandon and surrender my ways to the ways of my Master, I see mountains moved, I see impossible possible, and I see His mighty plan unfold in glorious ways! Hallelujah!

Though I've been extremely busy over the last few weeks, I wouldn't trade a second of it. I am amazed at the work of my God and I count it all honor to be a part of His plan. Where He leads, I will follow!

I am so grateful that He took this ordinary NC girl to do HIS extraordinary work in His kingdom! Now that, my friends, is a true miracle! 

What has He called you to do? Let me urge you today to surrender to His call! Take it from this simple Jesus girl who makes a mess of things sometimes. If God has called you to it, He will see you through it and will equip you with all you need to accomplish HIS plan! He will turn your mess into a beautiful message that brings glory and honor to His great name! All it takes is SURRENDER! 

Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me."
Matthew 16:24 (NLT)

"For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."
Philippians 1:6 (NASB)

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