I'm amazed at how my Savior can take any and every circumstance around me to show me more about him. My prayer has always been that this journey of life I'm on would continually bring honor and glory to him, so by using every opportunity; my mistakes, my successes, and my day-to-day adventures, he teaches me how to use it for his glory. This life he blessed me with is ALL about him! So, these are my thoughts, my heart cries, and my lessons from his glorious Word. These are the teachable moments from my Savior!

Psalm 25:4-5 "Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long."

Sunday, June 17, 2012

~ A Contagious Spirit ~

Wow! That is the only way I can describe the last few weeks!  Things have been pretty busy but more than that, I have spent so much precious time in the Word that sometimes I stand in awe while I watch my God unfold his plan in my life.  If you read nothing else from my post today, I hope you understand that a relationship with God is better than ANY relationship you will ever have on this earth.  Yes, you read that correctly!  Now, I love my husband and children so much it physically hurts sometimes, but that does not even compare to the love I have for my Lord.  If you don’t understand what I’m talking about then, my dear friend, you can understand it and have it too.  Where do you start? Well, open your Bible and start talking to your Lord.  The more you do, the more you will crave!  So amazing!

My kids have been out of school for two weeks now, but we haven’t slowed down yet.  The first week out, Callie and I had a summer cheer clinic at the school, then my sister came in from Georgia and we had our annual “sister getaway”, then Ben left for basketball camp and now we are packing Ben up for another basketball camp to Tennessee for the week, and Callie, Caleb and I are gearing up for a fabulous week of VBS! Shew!  Let me take a deep breath!  Lots of amazing things in there!  After this week, we have some down time and I am looking forward to spending time with those awesome children of mine and also more time in God’s beautiful Word!

I know that I haven’t been keeping up with my blog as I usually try to do.  I can assure you that it is not from lack of “teachable moments”.  On the contrary, I have had many teachable moments and the growing pains to prove it! Haha!  About a month and a half ago, I began taking some online classes.  Now, from someone who was so excited to finish her schooling and never wanted to go back there, I entered the online classroom yet again, and a little nervous too.  This was something I never intended to do, but as I’ve shared before, my hands are up and I have said, “yes”, to whatever God would have me do.  A while back, he began burdening my heart for women and leading them deeper in the Word.  As I was praying about where he wanted to me to go with it, I felt led to begin some study into women’s leadership and Christian life coaching. So, I just finished one class, with an “A”, and I’m in the middle of two more classes.  What a blessing to sit and listen to lectures from some amazing men and women of God.  This journey has also led me to facilitate a ladies summer Bible study that began a couple of weeks ago.  It has been incredible!  God is teaching me so much about him that sometimes it is hard to contain myself! 

As I watch women around me catch the same desire to know more of him, it just ignites the fire even more.  Now, I have always loved my time with God, but through my journey these last couple of years, this time has become so much more precious to me that it is hard to describe.  It is my heart’s desire to be contagious in my love for God and that those around me catch it as well so that the desire to know our God becomes an epidemic! That’s the kind of outbreak we need in this country, isn’t it? Hallelujah!  Ok, let me calm down a minute! Lol!  Now, you know why my blog has been a little silent lately, but I will try to stay in touch.

In all humility, I do ask you to pray for me.  Pray that my eyes stay fixed on my God wherever he leads me.  As I take these classes, lead these studies, and whatever God asks me to do, pray that I have the courage to go where he wants me to go.  Pray that I grow stronger in him every day and that my heart will never be settled, that it will always be growing in him.

As I said earlier, if you get nothing else out of this post, I pray that you understand that the relationship you have with God is the most precious relationship you will ever have.  Don’t take it for granted.  Grow in him.  You won’t ever regret drawing closer to the One who gave his life for you!

Thank you, in advance, for your prayers and encouragement! I need them!  The enemy does not want us growing closer to God.  He wants anything but that.  So I covet those prayers as I continue this marvelous journey.  It’s all about HIM!

Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

All for HIM~


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