I'm amazed at how my Savior can take any and every circumstance around me to show me more about him. My prayer has always been that this journey of life I'm on would continually bring honor and glory to him, so by using every opportunity; my mistakes, my successes, and my day-to-day adventures, he teaches me how to use it for his glory. This life he blessed me with is ALL about him! So, these are my thoughts, my heart cries, and my lessons from his glorious Word. These are the teachable moments from my Savior!

Psalm 25:4-5 "Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long."

Saturday, April 23, 2011

~ O the Blood ~

I feel so blessed that God has given me the high honor of being mom to Ben, Callie, and Caleb! When I look at each one of them I just sit in awe that God chose me to be their mom! Thank you sweet Lord for the blessing of children, especially these precious three that you entrusted to Matt and me. As a parent, I laugh when they laugh and hurt when they hurt. The unknown that we are going through with Caleb right now is one of those painful times as a parent. It breaks my heart to see him having to go through so many tests but at the same time, his sweet spirit blesses my heart. As I sat and held Caleb on my lap yesterday, tears rolled down his little face as they once again stuck that needle in his arm to draw blood. There is so much that hinges on his blood and many things will be revealed. O the blood! I prayed the whole time as I watched each vial fill up with my precious son’s blood. “Lord, please let his blood be clean!”

As we rode home last night, my thoughts turned to Mary as she sat at the foot of the cross. She watched as her son shed his blood for ALL! The pain Mary must have gone through as she watched her beloved Son’s blood run out of his body is overwhelming. That precious blood is the blood that washes clean! She knew his will but had to watch in great agony. As Jesus carried his cross up to Calvary through the crowds of people as they shouted at him, did they not realize that with every drop of blood, that blood is the very blood shed for them? His love for us, for me, is the reason he shed his blood. Never again will we have to be slave to our sin. He paid the price with his blood.

Ephesians 1:7-8, “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding.”

O, the blood! Precious blood! There are many today that have heard the story of Jesus on the cross. They have heard the story of his shed blood, but do they understand the depth of love that was in the shedding of that blood? He carried the sins of us all on that cross and his blood washed them clean.

I Peter 1:18-21 “For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake. Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God.”

O the blood of Jesus washes me,

O the blood of Jesus shed for me,

What a sacrifice, that saved my life,

Yes, the blood, it is my victory!

Thank you Jesus, for your blood! It is because of that sacrifice of your shed blood, your life, that I can truly live and have hope. My heart is overwhelmed by this great love! You paid the ultimate price for me, for all, and the very thought of that brings me to my knees. The blood, your blood, it is my victory!


1 comment:

  1. Oh, how many times I have thought about Mary watching her son being killed! The tears I have cannot compare to the crushed heart she had...God has blessed me with discernment & the ability to somehow put myself in other's shoes (compassion, I guess), but I still sit & think about it, knowing that I canNOT imagine having to do this!! What a great sacrifice for us, in deed.

    Your precious Caleb is going to be fine...this will only strengthen your faith & your family!

    Love, in Christ,
