I sat at the breakfast table this morning, just me and
Caleb, enjoying our bowls of cereal together.
What an amazing blessing it was to just sit and listen to my
8-year-old son talk about everything! The mind of an 8-year-old boy at 7:30 in
the morning is really no different the mind of an 8-year-old boy at 7:30 at
night. Lol! It goes 100 mph and doesn’t ever quit! I love it! He is such an
awesome kid and he blesses my heart with such sweet innocence. He talked about
his favorite shows, what he is going to build with his Legos, and how excited
he is that we are putting up our Christmas tree today. I think he even
mentioned another occupation he wants to be when he grows up but in all that
conversation, he didn’t allow much time for breath and my still overly
congested head is not retaining a lot of information at this point.
So, I’m not exactly sure what that
occupation is at this time.
No matter how bad I feel or how busy I am, I never want to
miss a conversation with my son. There will come a day when the conversations
will be fewer and farther between so I will cherish every one of them now. No technology needed. No iPods, no
phones, no TVs, no computers, just good old-fashioned conversation between an
amazing boy and his mommy. What a blessing this morning!
I encourage every parent to take some time away from
busyness of life and spend some time alone with each of your children. So much
can be learned by just a few priceless minutes of undivided attention. They are
minutes we can never get back but minutes that will last an eternity!
Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for
the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
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