"30 Day of Thankfulness"
Day 4
Today I am so thankful for God's Word!

Timothy 3:16, 17 (NIV84)
I love to read and there are many books right now on my bookshelves
awaiting their turn but, there will NEVER be one that can compare to the Holy
Bible! God's inspired, infallible, perfect, and Holy Word! I've spent much of
my time today flipping through those beautiful pages of scripture and
nourishing my soul. His Word will always satisfy, correct, rebuke, and train me
to do His Work. If you are looking for fulfillment in your life, pick up His
Word and seek His face. Outside of the will of God, there will never be true
satisfaction and the will of God is given through a personal relationship with
Jesus Christ, fellowship with the Father, and obedience to His Word.
Pick up His Word today and find Him through the pages of Scripture!
will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
29:13 (NIV84)
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