I'm amazed at how my Savior can take any and every circumstance around me to show me more about him. My prayer has always been that this journey of life I'm on would continually bring honor and glory to him, so by using every opportunity; my mistakes, my successes, and my day-to-day adventures, he teaches me how to use it for his glory. This life he blessed me with is ALL about him! So, these are my thoughts, my heart cries, and my lessons from his glorious Word. These are the teachable moments from my Savior!

Psalm 25:4-5 "Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long."

Monday, December 3, 2012

~ Are you an encourager or a discourager? ~

"Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the saints."
Philemon 1:7

Are you an encourager or a discourager?

Something I really am praying over this morning. I have so many wonderful, godly people in my life that encourage me in God's Word. I am eternally grateful for that! This journey of life is hard. Of course, God never promised that it would be easy, but, I praise him that he has placed people in my path that encourage me and spur me on in this walk of faith. On the flip side of that, there are those in my life that are discouragers as well. Those that make me start doubting my calling and feel insecure. Those that the enemy uses to plant
doubt and make me feel discouraged. I try to distance myself but at the same time pray through it to try and encourage them in some way.

In thinking about this today, the Lord brought to my own heart the question, "Are you an encourager or a discourager?"  I had to stop and pray that my words, my actions, my thoughts, are encouraging to them. I never want someone to leave my presence and not feel encouraged in Christ. What a wake up call! I want to model the Master Encourager, Jesus Christ, and encourage others in this crazy world. I want others to dive heart first in God's Word for sustenance and to feel encouraged to go forth into battle.

I thank God for the reminder this morning! I want to encourage others! I know how it feels to walk away from a someone who has left you discouraged and I don't want to be that someone. My prayer today is to be an encouragement to others in Christ, to pray that God would renew my mind when others plant seeds of discouragement, and to praise my Master Encourager for always being my guide!

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