God has called me to look back over the
last few weeks. To look back on a year that was full of turning points in our
family. A year that tested our faith and sent us into the unknown in many
areas. A year where trust in God was realized with hearts of utter abandon. A
year that will always be etched with markers of spiritual growth out of the
hard places. I'm thankful God reminds us of those places. Because, for me, the
memory puts on display the picture of faithfulness and steadfastness in a God
that loves and carries His children. Remembering where we were spurs us on to
continue walking the path God has laid out for us, no matter how rough the
terrain can be at times. God is so good!
Six years ago, when the doctors at
Chapel Hill informed us, after years of monitoring lab work, ultrasounds, and
biopsies, that Caleb was at a point where medication was needed; we began a
search for a local pharmacy that could actually get this medication and to see
if insurance would cover it. I called all over town and it wasn't available
anywhere until one phone call with a sweet angel turned out to be the beginning
of a journey together. This sweet angel made sure Caleb's meds were here every
3-4 weeks and went through countless insurance battles with us and our doctor. And
just over a year on this medication, Caleb had no indications of the medical
condition he was born with. The medication was doing the job and the doctors
were astounded and pleased so we trekked on in praise to God! Then just three
weeks ago our final insurance appeal was rejected for one form of the
medication with new specialty pharmacy regulations in place and we were again
at a point of pleading with God over this. Specialty pharmacies we were
demanded to use were having trouble getting this form of med and Caleb still
could not swallow a tablet (after countless hours of prayer, practicing with
Tic-tacs and googling every maneuver possible). So we prayed and worked
tirelessly as the last dose of meds were taken and the tablets were set to be
in the next day. (Right before we left for vacation😳).
They came in on the last delivery of the evening at 7:15 and as Caleb went to
take it, we gathered and prayed. He returned to the room with a look of shock
and excitement that he did it! We praised the Lord together as He always comes
through right on time. (Not my time, mind you, because this momma was tired.😞
Ha!) We have graduated on and he is doing great!
So the other day I tried to express my
appreciation to this sweet soul who partnered with us for six solid years and
all I could do was cry and say, "Thank you" for all she had done. I
won't be calling her every 3-4 weeks but she will always be a special soul to
our family. To the countless friends that have prayed with us over the years in
this matter, "Thank you" too!! Words could never express our
appreciation for those who have continued to be our prayer partners.
God brings people in our lives for
seasons and she was there as a hopeful light in a scary season in our family
six years ago and continued that same blessing all along the way. We praise God
for her!
You may never know the impact you may
have on someone else's life. God never crosses our paths with others by
coincidence. We like to call them divine appointments. People may come and go
and some may stay a lifetime, but always pray to show kindness and love to all
and shine the light of Christ wherever you go! Be the blessing!
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