What you also don’t know is that the day this photo was
taken was also toward the beginning of another journey; a journey that would
take me through a lot, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Things would get harder and more
difficult to understand. Physically and mentally I struggled through hardships
and not knowing exactly what was going on but I was so thankful for a wonderful
Christian doctor and family and friends that kept me encouraged and prayed for.
Over the next couple of years, my health issues got resolved but through it
all, the weight would come back on and with a vengeance I might add. So,
looking at this picture, it wells up a lot of emotions. I look back and realize
how difficult that time was and was getting ready to get and though my waistline
has expanded (and every other area of my body. Ha!) my heart for God took on
new growth as well. He grew me in ways that stretched my faith and trust like
never before. He was the Rock that I clung to in dark times. He began showing
me just how strong He is and how He is all I need!
He began opening new doors and closing others that had been
opened for years. Life was changing but He was at the lead and I was a willing
vessel ready to go where He wanted me to go. The more I feasted on Him, the
more I desired. I was ready to step out and go…
Then came more detours and trials, though not physically
this time, still challenging all the same. So, I put things aside and began to
focus on the task at hand, still trusting that all things are in His hands and
His time.
Over the last several months, Matt and I have been praying
as God has been challenging us to dig deep and keep trusting. There are not
enough spaces on the internet for me to put into words what an amazing, godly
husband I have. Matt has been my encourager, my prayer warrior, my godly
counsel and my biggest supporter in all things. Through it all, he has loved me
unconditionally. He has loved me at my thinnest and at my biggest…again, and
also at the times when I’m not lovable. I am eternally grateful to God for the
partner and husband he so graciously gave me.
Well, the day came, or should I say late night came when we
took the next step. God whispered, “Come”, and I got out of the boat and began
heading toward Him.
There have been roadblocks along the way over the last few
months, testing our faith to continue. But we will continue! Please be in
prayer for me over the next couple of months as I take some huge leaps of faith
to follow God’s leading. I just want to be obedient! Plain and simple…well, we
all know obedience isn’t always simple but you know what I mean. Haha!
Even this morning as I was contemplating some decisions in
the next few days, I was dealing with self-doubt. Then an email comes out of
the blue from my wonderful mom with such godly wisdom and scripture to
encourage me to press on. She was
reminding me of the journey God has had me on and this is just a continuation
of that. It’s not about me! Well, the floodgates were opened, the tears poured
and God reminded me again that He will provide the manna needed for the
journey. Every piece, every morsel, every bite…He will provide! Praise HIM!
Sometimes we have only enough light for the step we are on
but when that Light is Jesus…it is ALL we need!
So, here I go…trusting, praying, believing and praising my
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on
your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your
paths straight.”
Proverbs 3:5-6
** And for those wondering, NO, I am not leaving my job and
NO, we are not moving! ;) **
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