Giving birth is one of the most spectacular things I've ever experienced. I praise God for the two precious miracles that I was privileged to give birth to...Ben and Callie. You see, having a child grow inside you for nine months feeling them move and kick and occasionally get the hiccups, hearing that little heartbeat as the doctor places the Doppler on your stomach, and seeing the images on an ultrasound machine, are all pieces of a miraculous event that can only be ordained by our Creator. And then the special day when that baby is placed in your arms....WOW! A masterpiece that God formed from both Matt and myself. Truly, truly a miracle!
But God saw fit to bless Matt and me with another absolutely incredible miracle through adoption. It was 6 years ago today that we saw the first glimpse of our precious Caleb. Almost one year into our "paper pregnancy" we got an email (our referral), instead of an ultrasound, that revealed, the news that "It's a boy"! There was no comparing his little picture to who he looked like or which family member he resembled. Just 3 tiny pictures from a Chinese orphanage of the most beautiful little boy that, at first glance, I KNEW that was our son! No doubt. True and perfect peace! God's special child, that he was giving to us! Not born of my flesh but birthed from my heart in a beautiful, God-ordained way. Hallelujah!
December 15, 2006, is a day we will always treasure! Our family was forever changed and we were blessed beyond measure when God brought that special masterpiece into our family.
Happy Referral-versary Caleb! We love you so much sweet boy!
"Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him."Psalms 127:3 (NLT)
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