It was 8 weeks ago today that we began our first full year of
Faith Christian Academy so I thought I would give you a little update on the
school year.
Things are going really well! Of course there was some bumpy
terrain along the beginning but through lots of prayer, God met each need and
smooth roads were met again! He continues to astound me with His constant
faithfulness! After the first 3 weeks of school, it was evident that we needed
to reevaluate our curriculum choice for Caleb. It was quite different and
although it has wonderful reviews, it didn't workout well for him. I love how
God takes our earthly frustrations and helps us put them in His heavenly
perspective! He makes all things new!
God opened door after door for Caleb and through several divine
interventions, he is on a great track of learning. We are thoroughly enjoying
our learning together!
Caleb is working at a late 3rd grade level in reading, spelling,
and language, 4th grade for science, and after some placement testing, he is
now excelling in 5th grade math. That is what I love about homeschooling. It
has allowed him to grow right where he's at and flourish. Praise The Lord! He loves
our science and PE co op class every other week too!
Ben and Callie are plugging along and, aside from Ben's
chemistry class, love it! Lol! As I keep telling Ben, he made it through
geometry 2 years ago and he will make it through chemistry!
All 3 of them amaze me! I am truly one blessed mama and I praise
God every single day for those 3 precious blessings! They help each other so
much and get along better than any siblings I've ever seen. They work hard on
their homeschool work and have shown such great responsibility.
There are many days I feel like I've flopped as a homeschooling
mom and the thoughts of, "Am I messing up my kids?" will gallop
through my tired, worn out head some days. But then there are the soft whispers
from God telling me it's all going to be ok. Those tender reminders that
because He brought us to it, He will see us through it are priceless and
As I think on our journey, I pause on these moments I cherish:
Caleb's sweet face when he "gets it" during our
language lesson.
Ben telling me how well Caleb read to him that morning.
Callie calling out questions to Ben as he studies.
Ben and Callie learning together during their online class.
Cuddling up with Caleb as we read an afternoon book together.
Watching Callie prepare family dinner and seeing the look of
pride on her face as we enjoy the fruits of her labor.
Hearing Ben encourage his brother and sister during their
Writing love notes in their assignment pads as I plan their
Coming home from work to find the kitchen completely clean,
laundry folded, and school books worked in.
Watching tears run down Caleb's face as Ben prayed over him for
strength and encouragement from God after a tough day.
Getting sweet texts at work from Callie letting me know how she
helped Caleb with spelling and moved him on to his next task.
Going in their messy rooms and, while preparing my lecture about
cleanliness, finding their Bibles opened and notes of what God is showing them
through His Word.
These are only a portion of those moments I cherish. You see,
just as soon as I feel defeat from the enemy, God quickly sends me reminders of
what is truly important. It is then He refreshes my soul to the task He's
called us to. We don't have everything perfect and I know there are others far
more organized and qualified than me but this is our story and God is still
penning those beautiful pages every day.
I am grateful for the journey and blessed beyond measure!
are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him."
127:3 (NLT)
I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his
work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns."
1:6 (NLT)

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