I love everything about being a mom! Is it hard? Absolutely! Are
there days when my patience wears thin and I'm ready to pull my hair out? You
betcha! But the blessings far outweigh any bad day that comes and those three
blessings God has entrusted to me are truly amazing!
I could spend hours telling you about all the incredible things
about my children because each one, in their own way, are so unique and special
(as are yours) but this morning my heart overflows in awe of our Lord for the
work He is doing in each of their hearts.

I see such a passion for Christ in Callie! A passion to grow
deeper in His Word, a passion to share his love with others. This is what I
desire for my children! They can make the best grades in school, be offered
every scholarship to every great college, and make every high achievement in
sports BUT there will be nothing that will ever compare to seeing them walk
boldly and confidently in God's Word! I long to see them fall so deeply in love
with their Savior that it flows out of them. A life surrendered to Christ IS
true success!
I am so proud of my Callie! I'm excited to see her grow through
deeper study of God's Word and I cannot wait to see all that God will do
through it! She has inspired me!
Today, we begin our journey to grow and learn together and we
give ALL glory to our AMAZING God!
Thank you, Father!
have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth."
III John
1:4 (NKJV)
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