Toward the end of the day, I received three different
requests for prayer from three precious ladies. Each one of them broke my heart, as it is hard to see them
suffer. But what an honor it is to lift requests to the Father on behalf of
some sweet sisters-in-Christ. Though my heart aches for each one of them I
count it an honor to approach the throne on their behalf. You see, God places others in our lives
for encouragement, support, and guidance.
Speaking of my own life, there have been many times when I have been
that person seeking prayer and to know the one on the receiving end would take
my request to God in prayer was such comfort to my soul. There were times I
didn’t know how to pray in my circumstance. There were times where I needed
someone to encourage me in the Word and help me make sense of the “mess”. Yes,
we need others! We need to reach out and not pretend that we have it all
together because we don’t.
I am grateful for the calling God has placed on my life to
encourage and reach out to other women. I am thankful for God’s grace that got
me through some devastating circumstances in my own life. I am thankful for the
precious souls that were there for me and are still there in a moments notice.
I am thankful that God, in His divine providence, is still on His throne, hears
our pleas, and works on our behalf!
Today, I lift these requests to His throne again and ask for
healing, for peace, for comfort, and that God, himself, will be glorified
through it all!
“But in
my distress I cried out to the LORD; yes, I prayed to my God for help. He heard
me from his sanctuary; my cry to him reached his ears.”
18:6 (NLT)
people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.”
4:9 (NLT)
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