was brought back to my memory last night as a good friend posted the title of
her blog “Slapping Her Made Me Feel Better”. Many people were quick to read the
title and began sending her messages about the juicy details instead of reading
her blog which in turn would let you know that she did not slap someone but
wanted to in regards to this person’s uncouth comment about the grief my friend
has in the loss of her son.
saddens me that people will look for the juicy details that cause a gasp or a
great topic of conversation but they won’t read any further when it begins with
a powerful word from scripture. People
are also quick to read a story that is floating around but are not quick to find
out if that story is true. We post it, we bad mouth, but we don’t always check
our facts. We are quick to shoot down but slow to build up. We are quick to
judge but slow to love, pray, and encourage. How this has burdened my heart.
you look through pages of Facebook or Twitter, most of the comments stem from
funny or seemingly random thoughts or those that invoke controversy but when it
comes to the amazing truths from God’s Word people get silent. As a society we
are quick to jump on the complaining bandwagon and also the ones that will make
great gossip around the office “water cooler”, or should I say office “Keurig”
in these modern times. But when it comes
to things of eternity such as Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection, “ain’t
nobody got time for that”.
my dear friends, it is of utmost importance that we begin to set our hearts and
minds on God’s Word and that we “make time for that”! Remember, this world is not our home we are
just passing through.
we celebrate what is known as “Maundy Thursday”. The name
comes from the Latin “mandatum” which is the first word in the Latin
translation of John 13:34. “A new commandment (mandatum novum) I give to you …”
This commandment was given by Jesus on the Thursday before His crucifixion. So
Maundy Thursday is the “Thursday of the Commandment.” Christ gave his life for
us and because of that love and sacrifice I will spend eternity with him. He has commanded us to love as he has loved.
What we do, what we say, what we post on social media, can make a difference in
someone’s life for all eternity.
“A new
commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you,
that you also love one another.” – John 13:34
loved and that made a difference in my life for all eternity!
are you going to do today to make a difference in someone else’s life for
Great word and about the good use of our time. I agree