"Hallelujah! O my soul, praise God! All my life long I'll
praise God, singing songs to my God as long as I live."
Psalm 146:1-2 (MSG)

I have a very large family! I am the youngest of five children
and between us there are 14 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. We are also a
very close family and get together quite often, especially whenever someone has
a birthday. So as you can imagine, we are together a lot! Lol! Now, our family
is not perfect, by any means. We have had our share of trials and difficulties
but we have always remained close and love to be together. Usually we occupy a
little pizza place in town when we get together. We, of course, pack the place
out but we love it. There is a special little waitress, named Queena, who works
there and she really has become an "adopted" member of our family.
What makes Queena so special is that she is always smiling, loves her job, and
gives each person attention as if she knows them personally. Most of the time
she is the only waitress on duty and just handles all the chaos with ease and
grace. My kids even ask if Queena is going to be working because they love her
as well.
You know, Queena could very easily have a bad attitude. She is a
single mother with 4 boys and works hard to make ends meet. She sacrifices a
lot of her time with her boys to provide necessities for them and she does so
at a pizza place. What has blesses my heart though is the attitude at which she
does it. She looks at the opportunity to work hard to provide for her family as
a blessing and it shows. She has made an impact on our family and we look
forward to those days when we can share a smile with her.
How do you go about your day? When people cross your path during
the day what do they see? What do they hear?
Wow! What an eye opener this morning!
I want to be first to tell my Lord, "Good morning"! I
want to give him praise before my feet hit the ground! I want to greet my
husband with a smile and kiss as he wakes up. I want to open the door to my
kids rooms and be the first to say, "Good morning, sunshine!" I want
to go to work and smile and welcome each and every sweet sister I work with. I
want to be a face of comfort and love to each preschooler and their parents as
they come for a day of learning and fun. I want to laugh with my kids as we do
homeschool together because learning together can be fun. I want to smile to
the barista at my favorite coffee shop and ask them how they are doing. I want
to show others the hope of Christ as they come to me for prayer. I want to be
at the door when my hubby comes home from his long day at work, wrap my arms
around his neck, and welcome him home. I want to lay my head down at the end of
this day and praise my God for the opportunities he gave me to be a blessing to
someone else today.
You see, it's NOT about me! It's about my JESUS! No matter what
comes my way, I can be the hands and feet of Christ to others today. Out of the
overflow of thanksgiving in my heart, I can bless someone else today. No, my
life is not perfect. Yes, I have struggles too. BUT, I can be joyful for I have
the hope of Christ in my life and I want to share that hope with all those
around me!
So, what about you today? Will you join me in being the blessing
to someone else today? Will you find the joy in living a life for Christ? For
today, I ask you to shake off every negative thought or attitude and bless
someone with a smile or a hug. Take the focus off of your own difficulties
today and focus on the hope you have in Christ! I promise it will make a huge impact
on your life!
pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace
because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through
the power of the Holy Spirit."
15:13 (NLT)
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