Well, here is the update on Faith Christian Academy's grand opening:
Today went fantastic! All praise to God for paving the way and giving us a great first day! Also, a very special thanks to my mom for supervising my students while I was at work. You see, we are not a traditional homeschool. I know that doesn't surprise most of you seeing that I don't always do things the "normal" way. Yes, God made me different...special. (Or, I guess you could say "special ed" haha!) Anyway, I still have a job that I will continue to work. I love my job and do not feel God has called me away from it. It is a ministry in so many ways and because it is part time it still works wonderful for us to homeschool!
Caleb is homeschooling full time in 3rd grade and Ben and Callie will homeschool part time and still attend WCA on a part time basis. This way they still have a great opportunity to take some classes and be involved in sports and other activities. Ben is finishing out this semester so he is still in full force till the 18th of this month. The kids go to my mom's house in the morning and get a lot of their work done till I get off at 1:00. Then I take Ben and Callie to 6th and 7th period at WCA and Caleb and I have some teaching time of our own till they get out. Today we enjoyed that time at Starbucks! What a blessing it was having a Bible lesson in the middle of Starbucks having people listen as Caleb read John 10:1-11 out loud! Woohoo! Preach on my brother!
So, this a recap and a brief synopsis for those of you that have asked me how in the world we were going to do this. Now, mind you, this is our current plan and it worked well today! Lol! As we go along, we will continue praying and reevaluating their needs to see what we need to tweak, but we are thankful for a good starting point. I have been so blessed by my sister, my mom, and others who have offered their help as well. God is definitely in the center of this and I would not have it any other way.
Please continue to lift us up in prayer as we move forward. Pray that God would give us wisdom and discernment in the meeting the needs of our kids and that our focus will stay on bringing honor and glory to our most Amazing God! Thanks for all the encouragement and prayers today! They were truly felt and I'm so grateful for you all!
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