October 1, 2012. It's hard to believe we are in the last quarter of the year! We have only 3 months left of 2012 and my mind and heart gravitate toward my God this morning. I have a heart of praise for the journey of this year and all the amazing truths he has embedded into my heart. I also have a heart that is longing to finish this year strong for the Lord and continue the work he has started in me. There truly is no greater joy than walking with the Lord. I know many people, even some in my own family, that are believers but do not walk in his truths. There is no intimate relationship with their Savior and it breaks my heart to see what they are missing out on.
I've had that apathy toward God in my life before. I've been too busy to spend time with God, had more faith in myself that I knew what was best for me, and put God on the back burner to pursue my own paths. Well, for all you out there reading this please understand this....THAT DOESN'T WORK!!!!
Putting yourself before God only leads toward inward, and eventually outward, destruction. God's ways truly are the best! They aren't always easy, but they are always right!
During our time up on the mountain Saturday, we took a hike down to see the beautiful Dark Hollow Falls. The hike was only 1 1/2 miles round trip but they warned that the hike back up was quite difficult. We decided to tread on so we could see the beautiful falls at the base. There were many people on the trail that day and the path is nicely laid out. We would notice a couple of little "off" trails that maybe looked like a short cut but we stayed the course. At one point, Matt decided to go a different way to get some pictures and of course, Callie and Ben followed behind. Callie began to slip on the rocks and had a hard time regaining her footing. She was in no real danger, but she made the comment that it is better to stay on the path. When we got to the end of the trail, the water fall was absolutely breath taking! We stayed for a while and took pictures and just enjoyed God's magnificent creation.
Then began the trek back up, which of course, was a challenge. As long as we stayed on the trail, we were fine. It wasn't easy but it took us back to our destination to the top of the mountain. I've thought a lot about that hike. We could have taken lots of those other paths but they could have taken us so off course that we would have missed the glorious destination and been lost. Instead, we chose to stay the path that was laid out for us because we trusted that it would lead us to the beautiful falls, and it did!
There are many paths before us and we can choose whichever path we want to take. Do we trust our own way to lead us to the right place or do we put our trust in Christ to lead us to the glorious destination he has in store? Will the path that God leads always be easy? Not necessarily. But the end result will be worth it all!
Today, as we begin the last quarter of 2012, let's make a commitment to finish strong! Let's commit to staying on the path that God has before us so we can reach our destination and bring him glory and honor. If you are not on that path, then redirect yourself back on God's path now, it is only one choice away. We can finish out this year in the center of his will. All it takes is complete trust in our God. Let him guide your way.
Not my will but yours be done, Lord!
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."
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