I'm amazed at how my Savior can take any and every circumstance around me to show me more about him. My prayer has always been that this journey of life I'm on would continually bring honor and glory to him, so by using every opportunity; my mistakes, my successes, and my day-to-day adventures, he teaches me how to use it for his glory. This life he blessed me with is ALL about him! So, these are my thoughts, my heart cries, and my lessons from his glorious Word. These are the teachable moments from my Savior!

Psalm 25:4-5 "Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long."

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

~ Ocean Blend ~

~ Ocean Blend ~

Ladies, we will be meeting again on Saturday, November 10, at 8:00 at Port City Java in Hampstead.  Come join me for a time of encouragement and prayer as we fellowship over a cup of coffee. Please let me know if you will be able to come and please feel free to invite a friend! I look forward to what God has in store!

~ My Prayer Closet ~

I spent all day Saturday with my family cleaning out closets. Now, let me just say that this is something that makes my skin crawl. We do this about twice a year and each time it does not bring happy faces and warm fuzzies to any of us, especially me. It was time to switch out the seasonal clothes and also weed out all the clothes that these three growing children of mine could no longer wear. Needless to say, we had several garbage bags filled with clothes that were donated to others. Now, I do like the end result when we are done. The clean and organized closets (for a few days anyway, lol) and slight sigh of relief that we have completed the task are usually the two things that I love the most.

This particular time, instead of just purging our closets, my husband made one of my desires come true. He helped organize one closet for Ben and Caleb to share and transformed the extra closet downstairs into my new prayer closet.  He is such a wonderful man! He took extra steps to make a special place for me, or anyone else in my family, to enter a place, free of distractions, and pray to our Holy God!  You may be asking, “Is this necessary?” Well, no. We have the privilege and honor to lift our praise and bring our requests before Almighty God anywhere and everywhere and, believe me, I do. But this is a place that has been on my heart for some time, a place especially devoted to prayer with God, in private. Just my Savior and me!

In the Gospel of Matthew, just before Jesus taught his disciples how to pray, he also gave them instruction about where and when to pray. In Matthew 6:6, Jesus says,

“But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”

He was speaking here of the religious leaders who wanted to be seen as “holy” and drew attention to themselves by praying on street corners or in the synagogues. Now, there is a place for public prayer, but to pray to be “noticed”, as they were doing,  does not indicate true prayer to our Holy God. When we pray in private, we are bringing our request to our “Audience of One”. That is serious stuff! Hallelujah!  God has been prompting my heart to get to more of a quiet place, free of distractions, that is devoted to my prayer and worship of him.

Maybe you don’t have an extra closet or room to devote to prayer. You don’t have to. But you can set aside a special place in your home where you devote to prayer, away from the many distractions in your home.  I love the true story of Susanna Wesley, mother of nineteen children, two of whom you have probably heard of, John and Charles Wesley.  She had nineteen children! Just saying that makes my heart start palpitating! Haha! You can imagine in the late 1600s to 1700s, with a load of children in tow, that she didn’t have much space or quietness for a room devoted to prayer, so she would sit in her chair in the kitchen and pull her apron over her head to spend time in prayer to her God. Her children knew that if her apron was over her head that she was spending time with God and was not to be disturbed. Now that is a woman who was teaching her children the importance of prayer!

I don’t think that we will have to go to that extreme of putting an apron over our heads, but we sure can make a special place for a time of prayer and praise to our God.  I ask you to join me in finding a special place in your home to devote to prayer to God. Maybe a corner of a room, or a special chair free of distractions, or even a room if you have one but just a special place to devote to God. I believe when the people of God start devoting more time in prayer before Almighty God, then we will begin to see mountains moved!

I want to close today with this same passage of Scripture from the Message and I hope that somehow it ministers to you today. I would love to hear from those of you who already have a special prayer closet or room and how that time of prayer has changed your life. For those of you ready to begin your own special prayer time, along with me, I would love to hear how God begins to work through that time of prayer as well. God is working and moving in mighty ways and I don’t want to miss a minute of it. I want to be in His presence praising him, thanking him, and laying my requests at His feet! Sweet, sweet fellowship with God!

“Here’s what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place so you won’t be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace.”
Matthew 6:6 (The Message)

Friday, October 26, 2012

~ More of HIM, Less of Me ~

"He must become greater; I must become less."
John 3:30 (NIV84)

These eight little words speak so strongly to the depths of my soul this morning. My desire is to serve him all my life and bring honor and glory to his name. In order to do that, I have to put away my selfish wants and plans and seek his face every second. In my life, there is no room for two masters. I either choose to serve my flesh or I choose to make Christ my Master. I can choose to focus on things of this world or I can choose to focus on his beautiful face and see his glory revealed.

Today I choose Christ! Today I choose to put away my selfish wants and fill my heart with the things of Jesus! Today I move to the sidelines and let Christ be the Center! Today I want HIM to be so evident in me that I can barely see myself! All glory to you, LORD!

What would it take for God to be so recognizable in you that you barely recognize yourself?

"He must become more important while I become less important.”
John 3:30 (NET)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

~ Prepare For Battle ~

This morning I find myself needing to just put out a plea to all that will read this. 

The enemy is out to kill, steal, and destroy!

Did you get that? This is a serious matter and I have seen families and lives destroyed because of his evil schemes.  I am seeing lives in such turmoil because he is on the prowl. I spent so much time praying over women yesterday wounded and hurting because of his mission to destroy. I know this sounds heavy and not very encouraging for this early in the morning, but this is very real and requires the people of God to take a stand in the Word to fight!

Day in and day out, I hear my Christian friends talking about the newest movie they are going to see or book they are going to read. I hear them talk about all the events and extracurricular activities their children are involved in that keep them going from dawn till dusk. I hear about all the gripes and complaints that make no difference in eternity. But the one thing that I don’t hear enough of is how is their time with God. What has God shown them in the Word that will sustain them through the day? I don’t hear the excitement of engrossing themselves in the powerful Word of God and seeing how God works through their lives.  O, my heart is heavy this morning. God has given us activities, books, and movies to enjoy but when they take priority over our time with God then we have failed. Do we give God the priority in our lives? Take a minute and really ponder that question and answer honestly to your God.

It is time to GET INTO THE WORD! Listen to me! We are in battle and we need to fully arm ourselves in the power and strength of God Almighty. It is time to be more concerned with our spiritual lives than our social life. It is time to be more concerned with our children’s spiritual lives than their sports and academic lives. It is time to be more concerned with our covenant of marriage with our spouse than our own selfish desires.

God’s goal is NOT to make you happy dear friend. God’s goal is to make you HOLY!

“Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.”
1 Peter 1:13-16

Dear friends, I urge you today to set aside your earthly goals and set your mind on heavenly things. The enemy is at large, out to destroy. But the good news is that my God is bigger and He has given us everything we need to stand and stand STRONG! Amen!
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.”

Ephesians 6:10-18

Prepare for battle today! Get in the Word and lift the name of the Lord on high! That is how we will be successful and that is how the enemy will be defeated. Do not let the enemy get a foot in the door of your family or your life. Prepare your heart, your mind, your soul, and be alert! Rest in him today! Be victorious in him today!

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”
Psalm 91:1-2

Monday, October 22, 2012

~ Steadfast and Immovable ~

"Therefore, my dear brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the Lord's work, knowing that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."
1 Corinthians 15:58 (HCSB)

Doing the Lord's work is not always easy. Now, I know you are probably thinking, "this is supposed to be an encouraging devotion this morning?" Well, anytime the Lord prompts my heart with a passage of scripture at 5:00 in the morning, then I know I will either be convicted or encouraged and in most cases, both! I love this version of scripture here! Paul is urging us to keep on in the Lord's work. Knowing that it is not always the easiest things to do, but he is very specific here when he says to be steadfast (firm), immovable, always excelling in the Lord's work because all that we labor for HIM is not useless.

What an encouragement to me this morning! The Lord has called me to a new task for his glory! A task that I am still completely walking by faith as I see his plan unfold. This new work comes with prayer and discernment, utter abandon in my obedience, closing chapters of my life that mean so much, deep study of the Word, and perseverance to see His work be done. I will be honest that on this faith walk, I have been tempted to "not hear" some of the things God has called me to. Thinking that maybe if I "don't hear it" then I don't have to do it. O, yes, yes, that is terrible, I know. But believe me, that doesn't work. God knows my heart and mind and pulls me back to him to be obedient. That's where I am today!

You and I have been called to do a mighty work for the Lord. Whether you believe it or not, just read the pages of scripture and you will KNOW that God is calling us all to do his work. So, what are you going to do with that? Are you going to sit back and pretend to "not hear" like I tried,  or are you going to press on in his work for HIS glory and honor? I am going to press on! I am going to give my all, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling for the work of the Lord! It may require walking by faith and not by sight but as he reveals his plan, we will see his glory and witness others join his kingdom!

So what are you waiting for? It's Monday morning! Press on and give HIM your ALL today!


Sunday, October 21, 2012

~ Having a Heart and Mouth of Thanksgiving ~

I am so thankful to God for my life! I look around and feel so unworthy of all that he has blessed me with. Even now as I write this, I am sitting on my front porch with the cool night air looking across the beautiful fields that are white with cotton. I hear the sound of my daughter giggling as she jumps on the trampoline with her sweet friend next door, I hear my boys laughing in the back yard as they give our dog, Louie, a bath, and my amazing husband just peeked around the corner to surprise me with a rose off of our rose bush. I am a woman truly blessed!

There are many days when I catch myself wanting to gripe and complain about meaningless things. Things that make no difference in the grand scheme of life but my flesh gets down right ugly sometimes and I get into a pit of negative talk. I am usually a very upbeat and positive person, but, beware, I can find myself into a pit of complaint on occasion and believe me, it is not pretty. lol! But God's Word is clear on how I am supposed to use my mouth.

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29 ESV)

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14 ESV)

He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity. (Proverbs 21:23 NIV84)

Tonight, as I sit and enjoy the blessings that God has given me, I asked God to forgive me for those times of griping and complaining.  I asked him to renew my mind and let the words of my mouth be pleasing to him.  This life is to short to complain when there is so much to be thankful for! I want to live a life of praise to my Savior and I cannot do that if I am swapping words of praise for words of complaint.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. (Psalm 136:1 NIV84)

Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. (Psalm 63:3 NIV84)

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Psalm 51:10 ESV)

Lord, I praise you tonight! You are worthy of every breath I have in me and so much more. When I look around and see your handiwork, my heart leaps for joy and I stand in awe of you. May I continue to see the blessings all around me and from my lips,  lift praise to you. Prompt my heart before I begin to utter complaint about meaningless things and renew my mind so that I can turn that complaint into a praise offering to you, Almighty God! I see your glory all around me, I feel your love so deeply, and your mercy is abounding with grace. I love you, Abba Father, and I exalt your Holy name!

Friday, October 19, 2012

~ Give Him Praise ~

“O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!”
Psalm 8:1

As you are waking up and beginning your happy dance because it is Friday, I just wanted to take a minute and remind you to give praise to our Lord for his magnificent glory. I am sure there will be many a praise lifted high as the work/school day comes to an end and the weekend officially begins, but take time to praise him for all the wonderful things in your life.  Praise him for your job that provides neccessties of life. Praise him for your vehicle that takes you through the crazy Wilmington traffic. Praise him for your home where you can find rest from a busy week. Praise him for your health because if you are reading this, then you are alive. Praise him for wonderful temperatures and beautiful sunshine that is coming our way for the weekend. Praise him for your spouse. Praise him for your children. Praise him for your friends. But most of all…PRAISE HIM!