Our Journey - Day 4, May 6, 2007
Good Morning! Well I am glad to say that
it is 5:30 am and I am the only one up. We are getting our bodies on China
time. We were so exhausted last night so we slept great! It didn't
even get too hot in our room this time. We found out that they cut the
air conditioning off at night. That is why we were so hot. They
said that it is still springtime and they like to feel warm. Well I guess
after all of floor 15 complained about the hot rooms, they kept that AC running
strong last night. It was wonderful! I woke up with scripture going
through my head this morning.
"This is the day the Lord has made, let us
rejoice and be glad in it." Ps. 118:24
"Be still, and know that I am God; I will
be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." Ps.
Today is Sunday and we will be going to the
International church service. It is amazing to me that they will hold a
church service for tourist, but their own people are not allowed to
attend. We have to take copies of our passports to show proof that we are
foreign passport holders. Our guides are not even allowed to go in with
us. Although we will greatly miss our church, we are anticipating a
church service in a different country. What an experience we are in
for! Our guides are so sweet, but we are not sure if they know
Christ. Please be in prayer for us as we form relationships with these
wonderful ladies and that we will be able to share the greatest message with
them. Enjoy your day at church! Worship and praise our Lord and be
thankful you live in a country where this is possible. So many times we
take for granted things like going to church every week. I urge you today
to go and celebrate this independence you have; first of all in
Christ. Those who know the Lord are alive in Christ and have
eternal salvation. Secondly, that you live in a country where you can
freely worship! Our God is so good! We give him the glory and honor
he deserves! We love you all and pray you have a wonderful day in the
Matt, Allison, Ben, & Callie
(Part 2)
Today was another unbelievable day! After
breakfast we had some time before boarding the bus, so we decided to walk to
Starbucks! That was wonderful! Stephanie, I had a Mocha Frappacino
in your honor. It tasted just like home! We then headed to the
church service. On the way there, our guide, Maggie, shared with us about
religions in China. There are 5 legal religions in China.
Christianity being the last. She said that it is legal for them to go to
church but if you wanted to build a church, you would have to take a class and
get regulated. Sounds like free Christianity doesn't it? I have to
say that the church service was awesome! It is held in a convention center
and is only open to foreign passport holders and they check them at the
door. Once inside, you are together with people from all over the
world. The service was so much like home! There was praise and
worship time and they would sing in Chinese and English. Hearing the
familiar praise and worship songs sung in Chinese and seeing everyone together
worshipping and raising hands to the Lord was very emotional. Just
thinking about everyone there from different countries, different
denominations, different languages, but serving one God; the ONLY God! I
was so overwhelmed by the presence of the Holy Spirit! Benjamin told me
after the service that it was awesome! We all agree! We were able
to talk to a few people that were in the service and it was such a neat experience.
I am so glad that we were able to worship there today! We serve an
awesome God!
After the service, we went for more Chinese food
(shocker) and then to the Pearl Market. We thoroughly enjoyed hearing
about the pearls and seeing how they put them together. As we talked to
some of the workers, they were of course trying to sell us lots of
things. They knew we were all adopting children and they wanted to honor
us by giving us a very good deal. They are very appreciative of the Americans
adopting their orphans. The lady helping us was trying to sell us pearls
for our adopted daughter and when we told her that we were adopting a boy, she
was shocked. At first she didn't believe us but then she called more
girls over and told them. She said "his parents didn't want
him?" They find it so hard to believe that someone would abandon a
boy, but not a girl. Then they just kept telling us, "lucky boy,
lucky boy".
Then it was off to Summer Palace! It is a
beautiful place. The mountains are breathtaking! Callie was again the
celebrity as people would stop and stare and take pictures and some would just
want to walk up and touch her hair. This has been the first foreigner
that some of the Chinese have seen. It was again very crowded and we were
shocked to see parents stopping right in the middle of the sidewalk where
people were walking and letting their toddler go to the bathroom. We
saw it twice in just that little bit of time. At least one parent held
their child over the storm drain to go. Needless to say it was very
nasty! Noone seemed to be shocked except for us. I guess this is
pretty common here. Ha! As we approached the next storm drain, one of the
guys in the group asked if anyone else needed to go! We all declined!
We were able to come back to the hotel for about
an hour before we left for our duck dinner. We are all about ready for a
big, juicy hamburger and french fries! Matt has now taken the kids down
to the bowling alley for a little bit while I update everyone on our journey.
I do want to say that today was very moving for us. Some things are very
hard to see, but very necessary for us. We want to experience what
Caleb's homeland is like; the good and the bad. God has a purpose for his
sweet little life and I cannot wait to see it unfold!
Tomorrow we will be going to the Great Wall and
doing some shopping. Thank you for your encouragement and prayers!
We have so enjoyed reading your messages! Have a wonderful evening!
We love you all!
Matt, Allison, Ben, & Callie
Ben & Callie overlooking Summer Palace |
International Church Service |
Having Callie's pearl necklace made! |
Our lesson at the Pearl Factory |
Summer Palace |
Our hotel in Beijing |
Aaahhhh....Starbucks! :) |
Site of the water sports for the 2008 Olympics |