My day doesn't usually begin with being awakened by a child anymore. Those toddler years are long gone in this house. My kids are preteen to young adult so I'm usually the one waking them up. But this morning the day began chatting with Caleb as he pinched his nose with a wad of tissue and waited for the bleeding to subside. Once we realized it had finished, he headed back to bed and I headed down for a strong cup of coffee and and even stronger time in the Word. Once mom is awake, there is no going back to sleep. When this brain of mine is up, well...the fun begins. The to-do list starts going and the multitasking commences.
I sat at the table with my coffee and Bible. Just for a few minutes, I sat in silence as I watched the steam rise over my cup and prayed for the Lord to clear my focus. My mind wants to wander so much over the many things that have to be accomplished. There are mountains of things to do at home and at work and I could very easily start mapping out my strategy for getting them done. I love a good checklist and an organized fashion to get them completed. But God so sweetly reminded me that the only thing that needed to be accomplished at that hour was time with Him. And you know what? He was absolutely right. (He is always right 😉)
So I turned to Isaiah 26 and read over and over verses 3 & 4.
“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Trust in the LORD always, for the LORD GOD is the eternal Rock.”
Isaiah 26:3-4
...all whose thoughts are fixed on you!...
Merriam-Webster defines "fixed" as, "placed or attached in a way that does not move easily".
I sure have been in a busy season over the last few weeks where my focus has been easily distracted. So many things to keep up with that focus has not been fixed on any one thing but sifted among many. It's like the browser on your computer screen having about 50 tabs open at one time. Lol!
But I love how the Lord will take a moment and get my attention like He did today. Life is busy and there is always something to be done, organized, planned and carried out but we have to place our focus on Him first and foremost. When our gaze is fixed on Christ, we can be sure that no matter what churns around, there will be peace...perfect peace. HE is the Rock eternal!
So today, Lord, I fix my mind on YOU! Not on my to-do list and all the things that have to get done. Not on the world around me in all its political craziness. But on YOU!! YOU are the Rock on which I stand!!