My front porch was a little dark this morning as I made my way out. Having to leave the house so early in the morning makes for an earlier time on the porch and when sunrise isn't until 6:49, my first moments with Jesus are going to be dark. But the benefits of this early morning time with just Him are worth it.
Matt and I sat talking on the front porch last night at sunset. We rocked and talked and laughed. You see, our little white rocking chairs have been a little beat up over the last 12 years we've had them. So with every rock, it's not quite as smooth and we wonder when it will be our last. Lol! So we talked about getting new ones. Well, we talked about putting in our budget the cost of new ones knowing it may take some time to save up but we dream on. Of course, I have big dreams. Since I spend so much time out here, I'm thinking of an elaborate space where I can sit even when it gets cold out and some lighting to go with it because the days will be shorter. As I talked and dreamed, my sweet husband just rocked and listened. He didn't crush my dreams but let me dream on knowing it may take quite a while to make it reality. But he knows this space is sacred to me. My rendezvous with Jesus on this very porch have been times of such growth, comfort, and healing. Times where I can get alone with my Father to learn & pray and allow Him to mold & shape me into what He desires.
I was reading this morning in Mark chapter one where Jesus went to Simon's house and healed his mother-in-law as she lay so sick with fever. As news got around town, everyone began bringing their sick loved ones to Him for healing. But the next passage is where I focused....
“Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray.”
Mark 1:35
Jesus knew the importance of getting alone with the Father. He did so first thing in the morning before the busyness of the day began and at a place where they could be alone, away from distraction.
This struck me this morning as I talked with my Father. Some mornings are hard to get up but when I do, and lay it all out before Him (sleepiness, grumpy attitude and all), He meets me right there and our time together is so sweet. I crave it...I need it. It's just the drink my thirsty soul needs! HE is what I need most in these early morning moments before my day begins. Before the craziness of life unfolds and the quiet moments are replaced by lots of noise and sometimes at very high volumes.
So, today I will replay this passage of scripture over and over and remember that Jesus set the example for our every day. And I will count down the moments until we meet again on this very porch with a cup of coffee, His Word, and my tattered rocking chairs. Sweet sweet time!