In light of recent news about a former Stanford student and his evil actions and the flippancy of his father's comments, there has been much trending on what a real man truly is. I think we all agree that what this person is (and his father) are NOT anywhere near a real man. It burdens my heart for the young woman so permanently affected by that evil and I pray for her and all those affected by such horrendous actions.
A few years ago we were in conversations with our kids about dating and things to pray over and look for before entering that big responsibility of dating. Though we weren't there yet, I began praying that my sons would be men of honor and my daughter would find a man that would be loving and respectful. A real man...
But what does that look like?
Does that really exist?
Well, I decided to list those things that I believe make up a REAL man. Here are just some of those things:
A real man loads his family in the car and drives them to worship the Lord on Sundays.
A real man opens the Word of God for fellowship and direction from the God of the universe.
A real man gathers his family together for a time in God’s Word and prays over them.
A real man views his wedding vows he took with his wife as a covenant with the Lord and not a contract that can be severed whenever things don’t go his way.
A real man guards his eyes with the truths of God’s Word against other women and considers his wife the most beautiful woman on earth even though she has gained some weight.
A real man comes out to the driveway when his wife gets home from the store and helps unload the groceries.
A real man leaves sweet love notes on his wife’s pillow before he has to go out of town on business.
A real man flies his family to the other side of the globe to bring home his third child that was waiting in a Chinese orphanage.
A real man puts his arm around his teenage son and tells him how proud he is of him even after he didn’t play his best basketball game.
A real man cuddles up with his young daughter to watch "High School Musical" ...again, because she loves it.
A real man shows patience when his young son asks him 100s of questions about everything he is doing.
A real man gets up on Saturday mornings and makes chocolate chip pancakes for his family.
A real man carries his wife’s purse as she tries on clothes at the mall and tells her how beautiful she is even though she's discouraged by what the mirror shows.
A real man paints his little daughters fingers and toes with pretty pink nail polish because she wants them to look like mommy’s.
A real man works long hard hours to provide his family with the necessities of life.
A real man treats his grandmother like a beautiful girl and listens to her stories over and over again as if it was the first time he’s heard it.
A real man sets his hobbies aside to spend time with his family in his spare time.
A real man teaches his sons how to treat women with respect by his own actions towards women.
A real man models for his daughter what she should look for in a guy.
A real man doesn't just tell his wife he loves her...he models it daily.
A real man teaches his kids to accept responsibility for their actions and learn from their mistakes instead of covering them up.
A real man wipes the tears from his teenage daughter's face and takes her on a breakfast date after she's had a rough night.
A real man shows grace and mercy and loves like Christ.
A real man treats others with kindness and teaches his children how to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the world.
A real man loves God with his whole heart!
Yes, THESE are the traits of a REAL man and he does exist. This is the man I live with, share my life with, and am honored to call my husband, best friend, and father of my children. I love you, Matt! ❤️
There are other real men out there as well! They do exist and they don't get enough credit and praise. So, ladies, if you have one of these real men, let him know those things you see in him. Be thankful and praise God for him. Hug him tightly and treat him well! Continue to raise your sons as men of honor and teach your daughters that real men do exist and what they should look for.
“But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.”
1 Timothy 6:11
Happy Saturday to you all and now I will go enjoy this day with MY man! 😉❤️